Multi-factor authentication adds another layer of security when logging in to MSU systems and is required for most university accounts. The first factor required to log in is something you know, i.e. your NetID/NetPassword. The additional factor is something you have, typically your smartphone or tablet. Therefore, even if someone is able to get your NetID/NetPassword, they should not be able to log in to your account because they do not have your other factor.

Articles (9)

Pinned Article Duo: Generating a multi-factor bypass code online

Instructions for how to generate a passcode when you are unable to use the Duo Mobile app or hardware token/fob to log in.

Pinned Article Duo: Logging into MSU sites and services using the Duo Mobile app

Using the Duo Mobile app to log in with multi-factor authentication.

Pinned Article Duo: Setting up Duo and managing devices

How to set up Duo for the first time and how to manage devices.

Duo: Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions about Duo multi-factor authentication.

Duo: Using a token/fob to generate a passcode

Instructions on using a hardware token to generate a one-time passcode to authenticate with Duo.

Microsoft Multifactor Authentication (non-Duo users): How to set up

Information on how to set up multifactor authentication via Microsoft MFA for MSU users who have access to university Microsoft services/email but not Duo. This includes MSU retirees.

Duo: Automatic blocking of logins from OFAC-regulated locations

Information about the automatic blocking of Duo authentications from U.S. Office of Foreign Assets (OFAC)-regulated locations.

Duo: Logging in to MSU-inventoried computers using Duo

Using the Duo Mobile app or a Duo hardware token to authenticate with Duo on an MSU-inventoried computer.

Duo: Resolving Duo prompt display issues related to iOS/macOS content restrictions

How to allow the Duo prompt to display on content-restricted Apple devices.