Duo: Setting up Duo and managing devices

Setting up Duo

Students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in Duo multi-factor authentication to protect their MSU accounts. Incoming students are not enrolled in Duo until after they have registered for classes. Once enrolled in Duo, when you next log in to an MSU site or service, you will prompted to set up your multi-factor device (Android/iOS smartphone or tablet). Follow the instructions below to set up Duo on your device. If you do not have access to a compatible device, please contact the ITS Service Desk.


Managing Devices in Duo

If you get a new mobile device (phone/tablet) or if you delete/have issues with the Duo Mobile app on your current device, you will need to set it up/reactivate it with your Duo account using the directions below:


1. Access the Duo Device Management portal (click an option below to expand instructions)


2. Add or activate a device (click an option below to expand instructions)


3. Activate the Duo Mobile app (click an option below to expand instructions)


You've now successfully activated your MSU Duo account on your device!

If you have any issues adding your new device to Duo or reactivating a device, please contact the Service Desk at servicedesk@msstate.edu, 662-325-0631, or put in a ticket using the Request assistance with Multi-Factor Authentication service.


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Article ID: 2038
Tue 3/5/24 10:34 AM
Mon 12/16/24 3:28 PM