My Recently Visited Services
Retrieve the Guest Password for the msuguest wireless network. This is only available for MSU employees or authorized individuals
Report an issue with connecting to MSU wireless networks on campus. These networks include eduroam, msu3, and msuguest.
ITS reviews all hardware, software, and technical systems over $5,000 prior to their purchase to ensure they comply with the technical and cybersecurity standards of Mississippi State University.
Request or modify a static IP address for a computer, printer, or other device. This includes access for Remote Desktop Access.
Request website development available to ITS web clients.
Request to have a mass email sent out to Faculty, Staff, and/or Students.
Use this service if you are unable to find what you are looking for using the Knowledge Base, Service Catalog, or by searching
Report any issues you are having with the myState portal (
To report an issue with a phone line, such as buzzing on the line, call forwarding not working, caller ID not correct, receiving calls from wrong number, etc.
Autodesk is provided to student, faculty & staff via educational model for free via a web link on the ITS website. It can also be used on a departmental system for teaching and academic research for free. It is no longer provided for non-academic reasons at no charge.
For information on computer labs, lab printing, and to report an issue with a computer lab/printer.
MATLAB® is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables users to perform computationally intensive tasks.
Request website maintenance available to ITS web clients.
Report an issue with Classroom Technology Equipment in an ITS-supported classroom.
To request an activation, deactivation, install, change, move, repair to a data port.
Assistance with using Canvas and reporting issues for students/instructors/TAs/designers.
Request assistance with your NetPassword.