The following is a list of the available user roles in Canvas when adding additional users to a course. Note: Students can ONLY be added to External courses. Academic courses sync the student enrollment with Banner; Developmental courses are restricted to non-student users only.
View instructions for adding users to a Canvas course
Academic Course Roles
Academic/Credit courses where students are automatically synced from Banner.
Recommended Roles
TA - Teaching Assistant - This role has access to grade assignments/quizzes/discussions and view/modify course content.
Secondary Instructor - This role is for adding an additional instructor to a course that is not an official secondary instructor from Banner. It has all the access of the normal Instructor role.
Designer - This role has access to view and modify course content, but does not have access to grade assignments/quizzes/discussions.
Observer - This role only has access to view course content, and does not allow participation in course assignments, quizzes, discussions, etc.
External Course Roles
Non-academic courses to which students can be manually added such as seminars, professional development, organizations, etc.
Recommended Roles
Student - This role is used when manually adding students to an external course. NOTE: This is the only type of course where students can be manually added.
EXT-Instructor - This role is used for adding additional instructors to an external course.
TA - Teaching Assistant - This role has access to grade assignments/quizzes/discussions and view/modify course content.
Designer - This role has access to view and modify course content, but does not have access to grade assignments/quizzes/discussions.
Supervisor Role - This role has access to view content and grades but does not have access to modify content or grade assignments/quizzes/discussions.
Other Roles
Day 1 Ambassadors - Custom role used only by the Day 1 program.
Day 1 Mentor - Custom role used only by the Day 1 program.
Librarian - This role is used when adding a librarian to a course.
Unused Roles
Instructor - This role should not be used for External courses.
Secondary Instructor - This role should not be used for External courses.
Teacher - This role should NOT be used. It has no rights associated with it and users with this role will be unable to access course content.
Observer - This role should NOT be used. It has no rights associated with it and users with this role will be unable to access course content.
Developmental Course Roles
Courses which are being developed for later use. Students are unable to be added to these courses.
Recommended Roles
DEV-Instructor - This role is used for adding additional instructors to a developmental course.
Other Roles
Day 1 Mentor - Custom role used only by the Day 1 program.
Librarian - This role is used when adding a librarian to a course.
Unused Roles
Designer - This role should not be used for Developmental courses.
Instructor - This role should not be used for Developmental courses.
Secondary Instructor - This role should not be used for Developmental courses.
TA - Teaching Assistant - This role should not be used for Developmental courses.
Teacher - This role should NOT be used. It has no rights associated with it and users with this role will be unable to access course content.
Observer - This role should NOT be used. It has no rights associated with it and users with this role will be unable to access course content.