Have you asked the question "Why is ITS making me change to at least a sixteen character passphrase?" Check out the chart below to learn the probability of your password being hacked based on characters and other criteria.

Source: Best Password Practices to Defend Against Modern Cracking Attacks - Specops Software
IMPORTANT NOTICE: After you reset your NetPassword, immediately update your NetID/NetPassword on all Eduroam connected devices (e.g. Laptops, smartphones, tablets).
- Review and update any saved passwords on all devices, apps, and web browsers.
- It is easiest to remove and add back the Eduroam wireless network to devices. Instructions for removing the Eduroam from a device can be found at https://servicedesk.msstate.edu/eduroam-removal and instructions to add Eduroam to a device can be found at https://servicedesk.msstate.edu/eduroam.
- Applications such as Outlook and Microsoft Office (including Teams) should prompt the user to re-authenticate.
- Old passwords cause frequent login failures, which may trigger security systems to lock your account as a precaution against hacker activity.
For more information on your NetPassword visit the KB article - https://servicedesk.msstate.edu/TDClient/45/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=1206
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