Information Technology Services (ITS) was created in 1998 from a merger of the Thomas E. Tramel Computing Center and the Telecommunications department. Merging of these two organizations was precipitated by the accelerating convergence of voice and data information processing and networking technologies. The original ITS organization was comprised of four units - Systems and Networks, Information Systems, User Services, and Telecommunications, with the Head of ITS reporting to the VP for Budget and Finance.
Through the years, and in response to evolving University needs and the ever-changing information technology landscape, ITS has also evolved. Today the organization consists of 131 full-time employees, 7 graduate assistants, and 21 student workers working in five primary units – CISO Office, Enterprise Information Systems, Information Technology Infrastructure, IT - Meridian, and User Services. The Chief Information Officer, who reports to the Provost and Executive Vice President, is responsible for operational and budgetary oversight of ITS.
Table of Contents

Windows Key Shortcuts:
• Use the WinKey on your keyboard to access the Start menu at any time
• WinKey + I – access the Settings app
• WinKey + Q = access the Search window
• WinKey + D = access the Desktop
• WinKey + M = access the Desktop with the active window minimized
• WinKey + E = access File Explorer, displaying the Quick access section
• WinKey + U = access Accessibility options in the Settings app