Powering on and off the POD

Lectern (POD) power on sequence

  1. Lectern power on
    1. Touch the (power) button, located in the bottom right of the Crestron panel. The projector, webcam, and audio equipment should start up. The button will be blue when the lectern is on.
    2. Press the power button on the wireless microphone belt pack to turn it on.
  2. Computer power on
    1. Press the (power) button located on the left side of the computer.
    2. Log in with your NetID and NetPassword.

Lectern (POD) power off sequence

  1. Computer power off
    1. Click the Start button, located in the bottom left
    2. Click Power, then click Shut Down.
  2. Lectern power off
    1. Press the (power) button located in the bottom right of the Crestron panel. The button will be white when the lectern is off.
    2. Press the power button on the wireless microphone belt pack to turn it off.


Article ID: 1722
Fri 8/14/20 8:53 AM
Fri 8/14/20 8:56 AM