Managing and Using MySQL

Tags mysql website

Is MySQL running by default?

No, MySQL is not running by default. If you require MySQL then please submit a Service Desk ticket to request that it be turned on. Please bear in mind that this service is not intended for the storage of sensitive information like grades, social security numbers or credit card data.

What database do I use?

By default you have access to the 'webdb' database.

What user do I use to access MySQL?

There are 3 users:

  • admin: Has all permissions for the 'webdb' database.
  • user_ro: Has only select permissions for the 'webdb' database. This user is here for security.
  • user_rw: Has select, insert, update and delete access for the 'webdb' database.

Can I get other databases added?

You can request access for additional databases, but this is usually not needed. Most packages which use MySQL can coexist within a single database. If you are writing your own software we recommend that you choose a prefix for all tables used by your package. For example, if you are writing a calendar application that has an events table, call it "mycalendar_events" instead of just "events" to avoid potential for name conflicts.

Does my MySQL data count against my Quota?

Yes. Anything you put on your virtual server will take up space on your server.

How do I access phpMyAdmin?

Add /mysql/ to the end of the url for your website. For example: phpMyAdmin is restricted to on-campus address
ranges. Users can use the VPN to access it from off-campus.

(See the Knowledge Base article Using PHP)


Article ID: 1326
Fri 4/20/18 3:42 PM
Thu 7/25/19 4:20 PM