1. To access Microsoft Forms 365, start by opening an Internet browser (e.g. Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox).
2. In the address bar, type the URL, m365.msstate.edu, and press Enter.
3. At the Central Authentication Service (CAS) window, you will be prompted to enter your current NetID and NetPassword. Click LOGIN.
*This step may not be required if previous authentication is still in place.
4. You will be prompted to either (1) type in your netid@msstate.edu email address and click NEXT or (2) pick your netid@msstate.edu account to continue.
Note: If you have already signed into your m365 account, you may not be taken to a login page. Instead, you may be taken to the main M365 page. If so, skip to Step #8.

5. If prompted, type in your NetPassword and click Sign in.

6. Authenticate with Duo. *This step may not be required if previous authentication is still in place.
7. If you would like to stay signed in, check the box for Don't show this again and click Yes. Otherwise, click No.
8. Click the Application Launcher to access the applications.

9. From the list of applications, click the Microsoft Forms app. If the app is not listed, click in the search box and type Forms to find the application.

7. You are now on the Microsoft Forms homepage.