Administrative Banner 9 Finance Approval Queues for Requisition, Invoice and Procard Documents

Administrative Banner Finance approval queues enable automatic routing of requisition, invoice (regular and direct pay), and procurement card documents from the initiator to assigned individuals (approvers) within the department, unit and/or division for approval before final submission to the Office of Procurement and Contracts.  Use of Banner Finance approval queues ensures that these documents receive the appropriate departmental, unit and/or division reviews as per audit recommendations.

Each department or unit, or in some cases the division, determines the approvers responsible for authorizing encumbrance, disbursement, and journal voucher transactions. Departments or Units are responsible for submitting an approval queue request when current approvers need to be REMOVED due to transfer, termination, or changes in job responsibility.

Departments or units can request updates or deletion of existing approval queues or set up of new approval queues using the Administrative Banner Approval Queue Request Form for REQUISITION, INVOICE (regular, direct pay) and PROCARD documents. The links below provide access to the various handouts, videos, and forms required for this process:



Printing Current Approval Queue Reports in Banner 9 using FWGQRPT (PRINT FIRST)

Printing Current Approval Queue Reports in Banner 9 using FWGQRPT (Video)



Completing the MSU Approval Queue Request Form for Requisitions/Invoices/Procards Instructions Handout (PRINT FIRST)

Completing the MSU Approval Queue Request Form for Requisitions/Invoices/Procards (Video)

Submitting the Queue Request Form using the Generic Routing Slip eForms



MSU Approval Queue Request Form for Requisitions/Invoices/Procards

Generic Routing Slip eform


Important Notes:

  • Individuals designated as approvers must have a current Administrative Banner Production account with BAN_APPR access.
  • Individuals designated as approvers cannot have either of the following keying access:
    • BAN_REQ - Requisition
    • BAN_INV - Invoice (regular or direct pay)
    • BAN_PROCARD - Procard
  • If a requisition, invoice (regular or direct pay) or procard document has been approved by another user in the queue at the same or higher level, the document pending approval will no longer be viewable. 
  • Notifications of documents to be approved will appear when logging into Banner and accessing any finance page. However, approval of the document(s) can be done at any time.
  • Banner will send an email to the document initiator and approver(s) whenever a document is Disapproved. However, emails are not sent after documents are approved.
  • For more information, visit the Office of Procurement and Contracts website at

Questions or Concerns?

For questions or issues related to approval queues and document routing, contact Tamara Gibson at or the Service Desk by phone (662-325-0631) or email (



Article ID: 2084
Tue 9/3/24 6:51 PM
Wed 3/5/25 10:56 AM

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