Adding a Course Syllabus to myBanner

MSU students can view course syllabi that are uploaded into myBanner prior to registering for a course. Faculty can now upload their course syllabi into myBanner as a pdf file for students to view on their class schedule or the master class schedule. Syllabi will also appear on the search page for registration. Steps to upload a syllabi pdf file are as follows:

  1. From myBanner for Faculty and Departmental Users under Class Management select
    Syllabus Management.


  1. The Syllabus Management page will appear. Click the Add Button to begin.

  1. The New Syllabus dialog box will appear. From the pull-down menu, select the correct course Subject. Enter the Course number as well. Finally pick a begin time and end time for the Syllabus. These times indicate  how long the syllabus will be displayed to students. The End of time option, allows the syllabus to be displayed indefinitely.

  1. Finally, click Select a File to upload the PDF file. Only PDF files may be uploaded. Once the file has been selected, click the Save button. A message will appear indicating the file has been successfully uploaded. Note, the file name for the pdf document will be changed when uploaded. The filename will be CourseSubject_CourseNumber_Term_NetID.pdf for example: AELC_4203_201730_tmg3.pdf.

  1. Once the syllabus is uploaded there are multiple actions that can be performed, Edit, Delete, View and Download. Faculty can also upload another syllabus for a different course.

  1. The syllabus is now viewable on students’ class schedules, the master schedule and the search page in registration. Note, students see as popup window indicating that the syllabi is not official and that the official syllabi will be presented in class.


Article ID: 1746
Mon 4/12/21 3:26 PM
Mon 9/9/24 4:43 PM