myBanner: Uploading Final Grades from Canvas to Banner

Instructors may opt to enter in grades via a mass entry into Banner. Instructors can use a downloaded spreadsheet from Canvas for this process if desired.


1. Review the Gradebook to ensure all assignments have a grade. Unsubmitted assignments need to be marked as zeros. See here for how to apply a missing grade policy.

2. Download the Gradebook from Canvas (see instructions for How do I export grades from the Gradebook?).

3. Log in to myBanner for Faculty. Under Grades and Absences, select the appropriate option for grade entry (Enter MidTerm Grades or Enter Final Grades).

4. Select the appropriate department and term for the course. Type in the course subject code, course, and section (i.e., EN 1103 01).

5. Select the option for entering grades as Mass entry using copy & paste (Advanced Users).

6. Select the desired option for displaying final grades to students and click the Enter Grades button.

7. Follow the instructions listed in Banner to copy and paste the necessary columns from the downloaded spreadsheet into Banner.

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Article ID: 1084
Wed 12/20/17 10:30 AM
Mon 9/9/24 4:45 PM