Course evaluations are disseminated through Canvas on the SmartEvals Dashboard. Students will access and complete their course evaluations by clicking the Course Surveys link in any of their courses. Students may refer to the instructions below for more detailed information. Results are anonymous and instructors receive access to the results the day after final grades are posted by the Office of the Registrar at the end of the semester.
Instructions for accessing and submitting course evaluations (students)
1. In Canvas, click the Course Surveys link in the course navigation menu on the left. Alternatively, you can access SmartEvals by logging in to https://www.smartevals.com/msstate with your NetID and NetPassword.

2. The dashboard contains all course evaluation information for all your courses. You will see which course evaluations that have been submitted and the close date for the ones that have not been completed. Click the Complete Survey button on an incomplete survey to begin or continue it.

You can complete course evaluations at convenient times as long as you submit them before their close date.
3. Complete the survey questions, as prompted, selecting the radio button that corresponds with your answer or entering your response in the text fields, as applicable.

4. Click Submit when you have completed all the survey questions and are ready to submit your course evaluation.

5. The course evaluations you've completed will be marked as Submitted on your SmartEvals course evaluation dashboard.