Antivirus software for personally-owned computers

Tags antivirus

Antivirus software will help protect your computer(s) from adware, ransomware, spyware, viruses, and other malware that could impact your system's performance, cause you to lose important data, and potentially compromise your accounts and personal information.

MSU Policy 01.12 states that everyone in the MSU computing community is required to take precautions to protect their computer and the MSU network from viruses.

ITS does not provide antivirus software for personally-owned computers. Please see below for recommendations.


Windows Security (Defender) - This is built-in to Windows 10/11 and is enabled by default. This solution is available at no additional cost to all Windows users and is recommended by the ITS Security and Compliance office.


There are no current recommendations for no cost solutions for macOS from the ITS Security and Compliance office. ITS advises users to research solutions on their own and choose a well reviewed product from a reputable vendor.

If you suspect your computer has been infected or compromised by a virus or malware, please take appropriate measures to scan and clean your device with your antivirus software or an antimalware scanner such as Malwarebytes.


Article ID: 1583
Fri 5/10/19 4:26 PM
Wed 5/15/24 3:13 PM