Affiliate Codes

*[AD] Active Directory Inclusion: Creates an account for the affiliate in the central Microsoft Active Directory

[AU] LAUTH inclusion requested: Allows the affiliate to log in to the CAS authentication system

[CE] Submit MSU Announcement: Allows the affiliate to submit MSU Announcements

[DM] Total Card Door Manager: Allows the affiliate access to the Door Manager training and giving door access to others

[DR] Online Directory Allowed: Adds the affiliate to the Online Directory

[EF] eForms Allowed: Allows the affiliate access to eForms

[EP] ESL Portal Authentication: Allows the access to the myState portal for ESL students

[EX]Exchange/Microsoft 365 Email Account Allowed: Creates and allows the affiliate to access to a University email account

[FM] Facilities Manager:  Allows the affiliate access to the Facilities Management system

[GA] Google Account Allowed:  Creates and allows access to a University Google account

[GE] Genetec Access Allowed: Allows the affiliate access to the Genetec system

[GP] Wireless Guest Password Query: Allows the affiliate access to retrieve the msuguest wireless network “Password of the Day”

[IB] Admin Banner Allowed: Allows the affiliate access to Admin Banner

[ID] Identification Card Allowed: Allows ID card to be made for the affiliate and makes the ID card active

[LA] Lab Authentication: Allows the affiliate access to ITS-supported computer labs

[LI] Library: Allows the affiliate access to University Library resources (must be approved by Library IT)

[LP] Lab Printing: Allows the affiliate access to printing and printer billing for ITS-supported printers

*[MA] Maroon Alert Allowed: Allows the affiliate access to receive Maroon Alerts

*[MB] myBanner: Allows the affiliate access to myBanner

[PA] Portal Authentication: Allows the affiliate access to the myState portal

[RE] Rcvd Employee MSU Announcement: Allows the affiliate to receive MSU Announcements via email

[ST] Information Security Training: Allows the affiliate access to the Information Security Training module

*[UT] ITS Training Allowed: Allows the affiliate access to ITS Workshops

[VE] Virtuozzo Login Allowed: Allows the affiliate access to log in to the ITS-hosted web servers

[VH] Health Center VPN: Allows the affiliate access to the LSHC VPN

[WC] Canvas Allowed: Allows the affiliate access to Canvas

[WE] Webex: Allows the affiliate access to Webex

[WR] Wireless: Allows the affiliate access to the eduroam wireless network and the VPN

Note: * denotes default access for most affiliates.


Article ID: 1802
Fri 6/11/21 3:39 PM
Thu 3/30/23 11:19 AM